NQ Performance Ford Club
 Note: Exact address not shown.

NQ Performance Ford Club

The Club was formed in October 2003 , And has begun a journey that now see's us with 92 official members from Mackay/Collinsville to Cairns/Tablelands,our own websites, clothing , banners, marquee's and a penchant for enjoying all things FORD.  
We aim to provide a family friendly atmosphere, in which FORD enthusiasts of all ages, genders, race and creed can enjoy their motorcars & motorsport.  
The club is open to all interested people who currently own any ford vehicle, old or new modified or original. We don't discriminate. If you enjoy meeting and communicating with like minded people than there is a spot in the club for you.  
Membership is presently $35 per full year. We also have an initial nomination fee of $10 paid with the 1st years membership. Members will receive a club cap,a dated membership card and discounted access to the club windscreen sticker.  
The club has concentrated on cruises, BBQ's and other family outings in its first years. We have also attended many car shows with a deal of success. A trophy cabinet may soon be required.  
If you are interested, Joining is easy. Complete the nomination form attached to the site and forward with your payment of $45 to the relevant treasurer.  
Monthly meetings are presently held - Noon 2nd Sunday of each Month - Kirwan Tavern Townsville. We generally like to have a bit of a cruise after lunch.  
0427 737 780
Monthly meetings at Kirwan Tavern 
Kirwan 4810
Ford's In Paradise

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