Crime Stoppers
 Note: Exact address not shown.

Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers is a telephone hotline for members of the community to provide anonymous information about criminal activity. This information is electronically sent to the police establishment nearest to where the crime is occurring for investigation.  
You, the caller need not give your name. Remaining anonymous allows you to overcome any fear of involvement or retaliation.  
Your call is not recorded or taped. You are not identified in any way.  
Callers are allocated a code number:  
To provide further information  
To check on the progress of the investigation  
To collect the reward  
The Crime Stoppers Unit is staffed with police officers 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Your call will be answered by a Police Officer who is trained to take your information.  
1800 333 000
GPO Box 1440, Brisbane 4001 
Put the Finger on Crime

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