About yourcity |
Your City is the online directory of products, services and information in your city. Find businesses, products and services easily by searching business names, category, postcodes, names or simply products.
Your City not only provides you with a directory for your city but you can take advantage of our exclusive online voucher/coupons. Before you go out to your favourite store or restaurant print their discount vouchers/coupons from Your City to redeem their current special offers, or simply enjoy the benefits of having day to day information at your finger tips.
If that's not enough then come to Your City to find out what's happening everyday or to plan your weekend activities or entertainment. Your City has an online events calender available for all business members to post their coming events for your viewing.
"It's just got to be the place to be...!!!" |
Browsers can enjoy the following benefits from Your City -
- Easy access to local businesses.
- Find products and services listed by category.
- Search for businesses by postcode, location and or name.
- Detailed information about products and services in your local community.
- Find out what's happening in your city everyday on the events calender.
- Pay your bills from one easy location.
- Print discount vouchers/coupons from your favourite store anytime.
- Weather Forcasts
- News
- Things to do
- Places to go
- Competitions
- Easy access emergency services, clubs and much more.
Go to any advertisement and print out their latest vouchers online. That's right!! Discount vouchers or coupons are now available to you right here at Your City. To view what discount vouchers/coupons are available go to the link "vouchers" at the top of the page and view the complete list currently available under categories. Alternatively any members that have a current voucher will have the voucher icon displayed on their advertisements. To print out discount vouchers / coupons from your selected member of Your City simply click where indicated by the following icon. 
What is a Hot Spot? A Hot Spot is the newest method of obtaining a wireless internet connection. Any member of Your City that displays the Hot Spot icon has this facility in place. All you have to do is drop into the cafe, restaurant or what ever business it is and open up your laptop. Ask the waitress for the connection details and your online. No worries about network cables or Internet Cafes anymore. Ideal for the business meetings and so convenient. Look for this icon on the members listings and get connected.
How can I become a Hot Spot? Click here to find out more
To assist all Your City members in the overall marketing efforts we have a number of marketing tools available. All members and even non members are invited to copy one of our ready made links or Your City search box onto their own site. These can be found with the other marketing materials below.
Your City also has available to its standard member POS stickers and window / bumper stickers. As a sign of commitment to your fellow members it is expected that you will display at least one of the marketing products on your shop front or at your point of sale (POS). To view the marketing material available please click here. |
If there is something you would like to see available in Your City please take the time to tell us what it is that you want by completing the following feedback form. Afterall... it is Your City!!.
FREE Business Listings: |
Becoming a member of Your City is totally FREE, place your business under the most appropriate category from our list and enjoy the value of being a part of this new and exciting opportunity.
As a member of Your City you can keep
up to date with what's happening in your city through our periodical newsletter. Place your business under your selected category for free by completing this form with Your City.
STANDARD Business Listings:
(include all features listed below) |
Standard Listings: |
Taking advantage of this exciting opportunity and receive priority positioning and full graphic advertising. As a standard listing you will be included in the category featured business section as well as we will provide you with the ability to edit your very own online presence 24/7/365.
Log in to your members area and change your advertisement, contact detail and image as much as you like. Monitor your exposure and how many enquiries you receive with our automated counting system. Link to your existing website to increase traffic. To find out more about our standard advertising packages for your business in Your City click below and we will arrange for our local sales executive to contact you.
Gallery: |
Increase your businesses exposure in the page gallery with your membership. This option allows you to have an additional six pages of information available to you including images and text.
Imagine if you were a car sales yard, then you could use these additional pages to sell your preferred 6 motor vehicles or to at least display the types of vehilces you have in stock and change it as often as you like at no cost.
All the information and images on these pages are editable by you through your login area and can be changed as often as you like at no extra charge. Ask our sales team to show you how it's done and to explain the flexability of this great feature.
Marketing Carousel: |
Maximise your exposure with our exclusive Marketing Carousel. This allows you to place your very own advertisement under any other category at any time in your city.
Imagine if you were a florist and you wanted to get exposure to the maternity hospitals, Funeral Parlours or baby outlets in your city. Well this is all possible with our Marketing Carousel.
You can cross sell your business with any other category you choose when ever you like. But thats not all!! Its totally free every time you change it, and you can monitor the traffic that each category generates to your advertisement. For more details ask our friendly sales team to demonstrate the power of the Marketing Carousel.
Events Calender: |
Just to add to the great features available with Your City membership, you can have special events posted to the Your City calender for public viewing. Upload an image and details about your event and publish it to the calender through your members login area. You can have as many events as you like and yes you guessed it. "It's free!!".
Tell your city about your next wine tasting function or happy hour. Or it may be a sale that your having that week.
Online Vouchers / Coupons: |
If you're a member of Your City you can choose to take advantage of our online voucher / coupon feature. You will be able to create you very own vouchers or coupons online for print at anytime by browsers. Give customers a reason to do business with you by providing sensational offers on your online vouchers.
Before browsers drop into your store they can visit Your City and print out the voucher to redeem your offer. Members save money on print and customers can enjoy the convenience of knowing they can get your latest vouchers at anyime. As a participant in this feature you can change your vouchers for free. Contact us for more details here.
Location Maps: |
As a member of Your City your business listing will be complimented with Google Maps with and indicator showing your location with zoom and print capability so that customers can locate your business.